Wednesday 30 May 2012

Currently available electric cars

Highway capable

Main article: Account of assembly array electric vehicles

See also: Cars planned for assembly and account of avant-garde assembly constituent electric vehicles

As of aboriginal 2012 the amount of accumulation assembly highway-capable models accessible in the bazaar is limited. Most electric cars in the apple anchorage are low-speed, low-range adjacency electric cars (NEVs). Pike Research estimated there were about 479,000 NEVs on the apple anchorage in 2011.172 The top affairs NEV is the All-around Electric Motorcars (GEM) vehicles, which as of December 2010 had awash added than 45,000 units common back 1998.173 The two better NEV markets in 2011 were the United States, with 14,737 units sold, and France, with 2,231 units.174

The Nissan Leaf is the world's top affairs highway-capable electric car, with added than 27,000 units awash by aboriginal April 2012, led by Japan (13,000), followed by the U.S. (more than 11,000), and Europe (3,000).3

The world's top affairs highway-capable electric cars are the Nissan Leaf, with added than 27,000 units awash common by aboriginal April 2012,3 and the Mitsubishi i-MiEV, with all-around accumulative sales of added than 17,000 units through October 2011. The i MiEV sales cover units rebadged in France as Peugeot iOn and Citroën C-ZERO for auction in Europe.4 Japan and the United States are the better highway-capable electric car markets in the world, followed by several European countries. In Japan, added than 18,000 electric cars accept been sold, including 13,000 Leafs awash by aboriginal April 20123 and 5,000 i-MiEVs awash by October 2011.175 In the U.S. electric car sales are led by the Nissan Leaf with 11,796 units awash through April 2012.176 Absolute electric car sales in Western European countries accomplished 11,563 units during 2011, apery a 0.09% bazaar allotment of all new car sales in the region. The top affairs countries were France, Norway, Germany and the United Kingdom.177 As of April 2012, Norway had 6,587 registered electric cars,178 the better agile of PEVs in Europe and the better EV ownweship per capita in the world.179180 A absolute of 5,579 electric cars were awash in China during 2011, including commuter and bartering vehicles.181

Norway has the better electric car buying per capita in the world.179 Shown a Tesla Roadster, a REVAi and a Th!nk City at a chargeless parking and charging base in Oslo.

A absolute of 2,630 electric cars were registered in France in 2011, up from 184 units in 2010.182 Aswell during 2010, about 1,200 non highway-capable PEVs were awash in the French market, including 406 abundant quadricycles and 796 account vehicles.183 Sales in the French bazaar for 2011 were led by the Citroën C-Zero with 645 units followed by the Peugeot iOns with 639 vehicles, and the Bolloré Bluecar with 399 electric cars.182 A absolute of 2,240 cars were awash in Norway during 2011, up from 722 in 2010. Sales in 2011 were led by the Mitsubishi i-MiEV ancestors with 1,477 electric cars including 1,050 i-MiEVs, 217 Peugeot iOns and 210 Citroën C-Zeros.180 A absolute of 2,154 electric cars were awash in Germany through December 2011, accretion its registered agile to 4,541 electric cars. Sales in the German bazaar for 2011 were led by the Mitsubishi i-MiEV ancestors with 683 i-MiEVs, 208 Peugeot iOns and 200 Citroen C-Zeros, apery 50.6% of all electric car sales in 2011.184

Since 2006 a absolute of 1,096 electric cars accept been registered in the U.K. through December 2010,185 and a absolute of 1,082 units were awash during 2011, up from 138 units in 2010.186 A absolute of 401 electric cars and account cars were awash in Spain during 2011, led by the Peugeot iOn with 125 units, followed by 85 Citroën C-Zeros and 59 Nissan Leafs.187 A absolute of 347 electric cars were registered in Austria, 283 in Denmark, 269 in the Netherlands, 111 in Sweden and 103 in Italy during the aboriginal bisected of 2011.188 During the aboriginal division of 2012 a absolute of 4,867 electric cars were awash in Western Europe, apery a bazaar allotment of 0.15% of all new car sales.189

There are aswell several pre-production models and constituent conversions of absolute centralized agitation engine models ability acreage trials or are allotment of affirmation programs, such as the Volvo C30 DRIVe Electric, Honda Fit EV, and the RAV4 EV added generation. Other models appointed for bazaar barrage in 2012 and 2013 cover the Renault Zoe, Tesla Model S, Fiat 500 Elettra, Scion iQ EV, Volkswagen e-Up!, and BMW i3.190

editGovernment subsidy

Both the Chevrolet Volt constituent amalgam and the Nissan Leaf electric car are acceptable for government incentives for constituent electric cars in several countries.

See also: Government incentives for constituent electric vehicles

Several countries accept accustomed grants and tax credits for the acquirement of new electric cars depending on array size. The U.S. offers a federal assets tax acclaim up to US$7,500,19 and several states accept added incentives.191 The U.K. offers a Constituent Car Grant up to a best of GB£5,000 (US$7,600).192193 As of April 2011, 15 European Union affiliate states accommodate bread-and-butter incentives for the acquirement of new electrically accountable vehicles, which abide of tax reductions and exemptions, as able-bodied as of benefit payments for buyers of all-electric and constituent amalgam vehicles, amalgam electric vehicles, and some another ammunition vehicles.

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