Wednesday 30 May 2012

Comparison with internal combustion engine vehicles


Sales of the Mitsubishi i MiEV to the accessible began in Japan in April 2010, in Hong Kong in May 2010 and in Australia in July 2010.

Electric cars are about added big-ticket than gasoline cars. The primary acumen is the top aggregate of car batteries. US and British car buyers assume to be afraid to pay added for an electric car.3637 This prohibits the accumulation alteration from gasoline cars to electric cars. A assay taken by Nielsen for the Financial Times has apparent that 65 percent of Americans and 76 percent of Britons are not accommodating to pay added for an electric car aloft the aggregate of a gasoline car.38 Aswell a address by J.D. Ability and Associates claims that about 50 percent of U.S. car buyers are not accommodating to absorb added than US$5,000 on a blooming car aloft the aggregate of a petrol car admitting their affair about the environment.39

The electric car aggregation Tesla Motors is application laptop array technology for the array packs of their electric cars that are 3 to 4 times cheaper than committed electric car array packs that added auto makers are using. While committed array packs aggregate $700–$800 per kilowatt hour, array packs application baby laptop beef aggregate about $200. That could potentially drive down the aggregate of electric cars that are application Tesla's array technology such as the Toyota RAV4 EV and the Smart ED as able-bodied as their own accessible 2014 models such as the Archetypal X.404142

A abstraction arise in 2011 by the Belfer Center, Harvard University, activate that the gasoline costs accumulation of constituent electric cars over the vehicles’ lifetimes do not annual their college acquirement prices. This award was estimated comparing their lifetime net present aggregate at 2010 acquirement and operating costs for the U.S. market, and bold no government subidies.4344 According to the abstraction estimates, a PHEV-40 is US$5,377 added big-ticket than a accepted centralized agitation engine, while a array electric car is US$4,819 added expensive. The abstraction aswell advised how this antithesis will change over the next 10 to 20 years, bold that array costs will abatement while gasoline prices increase. Beneath the abutting scenarios considered, the abstraction activate that BEVs will be decidedly beneath big-ticket than accepted cars (US$1,155 to US$7,181 cheaper), while PHEVs, will be added big-ticket than BEVs in about all allegory scenarios, and alone beneath big-ticket than accepted cars in a book with absolute low array costs and top gasoline prices. Accumulation alter because BEVs are simpler to physique and do not use aqueous fuel, while PHEVs accept added complicated powertrains and still accept gasoline-powered engines.43

Running costs and maintenance

The Tesla Roadster is awash in the US and Europe and has a ambit of 245 afar per charge.

Most of the active aggregate of an electric car can be attributed to the aliment and backup of the array backpack because an electric car has alone about 5 affective locations in its motor, compared to a gasoline car that has hundreds of locations in its centralized agitation engine.45 Electric cars accept big-ticket batteries that accept to be replaced but contrarily acquire absolute low aliment costs, decidedly in the case of accepted Lithium based designs.

To annual the aggregate per kilometer of an electric car it is accordingly all-important to accredit a budgetary aggregate to the abrasion incurred on the battery. This can be difficult because the array will accept a hardly lower accommodation anniversary time it is charged; it is at the end of its activity if the buyer decides its achievement is no best acceptable. Even afresh an 'end of life' array is not absolutely abandoned as it can be re-purposed, recycled or acclimated as a spare.

Since a array is fabricated of abounding alone beef that do not necessarily abrasion evenly, periodically replacing the affliction of them can absorb the vehicle's range.

The Tesla Roadster's absolute ample array backpack is accepted to endure seven years with archetypal active and costs US$12,000 if pre-purchased today.4647 Active 40 afar (64 km) per day for seven years or 102,200 afar (164,500 km) leads to a array afire aggregate of US$0.1174 per 1 mile (1.6 km) or US$4.70 per 40 afar (64 km). The aggregation Bigger Abode provides accession aggregate allegory as they ahead affair acknowledged obligations to bear batteries as able-bodied as apple-pie electricity to recharge the batteries at a absolute aggregate of US$0.08 per 1 mile (1.6 km) in 2010, US$0.04 per mile by 2015 and US$0.02 per mile by 2020.48 40 afar (64 km) of active would initially aggregate US$3.20 and abatement over time to US$0.80.

In 2010 the U.S. government estimated that a array with a 100 afar (160 km) ambit would aggregate about US$33,000. Apropos abide about backbone and constancy of the battery.49

Nissan estimates that the Leaf's 5 year operating aggregate will be US$1,800 adjoin US$6,000 for a gasoline car.50 The documentary blur Who Killed the Electric Car?51 shows a allegory amid the locations that crave backup in a gasoline powered cars and EV1s, with the garages advertence that they accompany the electric cars in every 5,000 mi (8,000 km), circle the tires, ample the windshield washer aqueous and advanced them aback out again.

Electricity vs. hydrocarbon fuel

"Fuel" aggregate comparison: the Tesla Roadster action car's plug-to-wheel activity use is 280 W·h/mi. In Northern California, the bounded electric annual aggregation PG&E says that "The E-9 aggregate is binding for those barter that are currently on a residential electric aggregate and who plan on refueling an EV on their premises."52 Combining these two facts implies that active a Tesla Roadster 40 afar (64 km) a day would use 11.2 kW·h of electricity costing amid US$0.56 and US$3.18 depending on the time of day called for recharging.52 For comparison, active an centralized agitation engine-powered car the aforementioned 40 afar (64 km), at a breadth of 25 afar per US gallon (9.4 L/100 km; 30 mpg-imp), would use 1.6 US gallons (6.1 l; 1.3 imp gal) of ammunition and, at a aggregate of US$4 per 1 US gallon (3.8 l; 0.83 imp gal), would aggregate US$6.40.

The Tesla Roadster uses about 17.4 kW·h/100 km (0.63 MJ/km; 0.280 kW·h/mi),53 the EV1 acclimated about 11 kW·h/100 km (0.40 MJ/km; 0.18 kW·h/mi).54 Added electric cars such as the Nissan Leaf are quoted at 21.25 kW·h/100 km (0.765 MJ/km; 0.3420 kW·h/mi) by the US Environmental Aegis Agency.55 These differences reflect the altered architecture and annual targets for the vehicles, and the capricious testing standards. The absolute activity use is abundantly abased on the absolute active altitude and active style.

Range and refuelling time

Most cars with centralized agitation engines can be advised to accept broad range, as they can be refuelled absolute bound about anywhere. Electric cars about accept beneath best ambit on one allegation than cars powered by deposit fuels, and they can yield ample time to recharge. This is a acumen that abounding automakers marketed EVs as "daily drivers" acceptable for city-limits trips and added abbreviate hauls.citation needed The boilerplate American drives beneath than 40 afar (64 km) per day; so the GM EV1 would accept been able for the circadian active needs of about 90% of U.S. consumers.51 Nevertheless, humans can be anxious that they would run out of activity from their array afore extensive their destination, a anguish accepted as ambit anxiety.

The Tesla Roadster can biking 245 afar (394 km) per charge;56 added than bifold that of prototypes and appraisal agile cars currently on the roads.57 The Roadster can be absolutely recharged in about 3.5 hours from a 220-volt, 70-amp aperture which can be installed in a home.58

One way automakers can extend the abbreviate ambit of electric cars is by architecture them with array about-face technology. An EV with array about-face technology and a 100 afar (160 km) active ambit will be able to go to a array about-face base and about-face a depleted array with a absolutely answerable one in 59.1 seconds59 giving the EV an added 100 afar (160 km) active range. The action is cleaner and faster than bushing a catchbasin with gasoline and the disciplinarian charcoal in the car the absolute time,60 but because of the top investment cost, its economics are unclear.61 As of backward 2010 there are alone 2 companies with affairs to accommodate array switching technology to their electric vehicles: Bigger Abode and Tesla Motors.626364 Bigger Abode operated a battery-switch base in Japan until November 201065 and arise a allegation to accessible four array about-face stations in California, USA.66

Another way is the accession of DC Fast Charging stations with accelerated charging adequacy from three-phase automated outlets so that consumers could recharge the 100 mile array of their electric car to 80 percent in about 30 minutes.6768 A civic fast charging basement is currently getting deployed in the US that by 2013 will awning the absolute nation.69 DC Fast Chargers are traveling to be installed at 45 BP and ARCO locations and will be fabricated accessible to the accessible as aboriginal as March 2011.70 The EV Project will arrange allegation basement in 16 cities and above city areas in six states.7172 Nissan has arise that 200 of its dealers in Japan will install fast chargers for the December 2010 barrage of its Leaf EV, with the ambition of accepting fast chargers everywhere in Japan aural a 25 mile radius.73

In July 2011, there are hints that Whole Foods, Walmart, etc. will be abacus assorted charging stations.citation needed

Air abuse and carbon emissions

See also: Greenhouse gas emissions in constituent electric cars and Greenhouse gas emissions in constituent hybrids

Electric cars accord to cleaner air in cities because they aftermath no adverse abuse at the tailpipe from the onboard antecedent of power, such as particulates (soot), airy amoebic compounds, hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, ozone, lead, and assorted oxides of nitrogen. The apple-pie air annual is usually bounded because, depending on the antecedent of the electricity acclimated to recharge the batteries, air pollutant emissions are confused to the breadth of the bearing plants.1 The aggregate of carbon dioxide emitted depends on the discharge acuteness of the ability antecedent acclimated to allegation the vehicle, the ability of the said car and the activity ashen in the charging process.

For mains electricity the discharge acuteness varies decidedly per country and aural a accurate country it will alter depending on demand,74 the availability of renewable sources and the ability of the deposit fuel-based bearing acclimated at a accustomed time.75 Charging a car application off-grid renewable activity yields absolute low carbon acuteness (only that to aftermath and install the off-grid bearing arrangement e.g. calm wind turbine).

United States

Sources of electricity in the U.S. in 2009.76

An EV recharged from the US filigree electricity in 2008 emits about 115 grams of CO2 per kilometer apprenticed (6.5 oz(CO2)/mi), admitting a accepted US-market gasoline powered car emits 250 g(CO2)/km (14 oz(CO2)/mi) (most from its tailpipe, some from the assembly and administration of gasoline).77

The Union of Anxious Scientists (UCS) arise in 2012 a address with an appraisal of boilerplate greenhouse gas emissions consistent from charging constituent car batteries because the abounding life-cycle (well-to-wheel analysis) and according to ammunition and technology acclimated to accomplish electric ability by arena in the U.S. The abstraction acclimated the Nissan Leaf all-electric car to authorize the analysis's baseline. The UCS abstraction bidding the after-effects in agreement of afar per gallon instead of the accepted assemblage of grams of carbon dioxide emissions per year. The abstraction activate that in areas breadth electricity is generated from accustomed gas, nuclear, hydroelectric or added renewable sources, the abeyant of constituent electric cars to abate greenhouse emissions is significant. On the added hand, in regions breadth a top admeasurement of ability is generated from coal, amalgam electric cars aftermath beneath CO2 emissions than constituent electric cars, and the best ammunition able gasoline-powered auto car produces hardly beneath emissions than a constituent car. In the worst-case scenario, the abstraction estimated that for a arena breadth all activity is generated from coal, a constituent electric car would afford greenhouse gas emissions agnate to a gasoline car rated at a accumulated city/highway ammunition abridgement of 30 mpg-US (7.8 L/100 km; 36 mpg-imp). In contrast, in a arena that is absolutely codicillary on accustomed gas, the constituent would be agnate to a gasoline-powered car rated at 50 mpg-US (4.7 L/100 km; 60 mpg-imp)combined.7879

The abstraction activate that for 45% of the U.S. population, a constituent electric car will accomplish lower CO2 emissions than a gasoline-powered car able of a accumulated ammunition abridgement of 50 mpg-US (4.7 L/100 km; 60 mpg-imp), such as the Toyota Prius. Cities in this accumulation included Portland, Oregon, San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York City, and Salt Lake City, and the cleanest cities accomplished well-to-wheel emissions agnate to a ammunition abridgement of 79 mpg-US (3.0 L/100 km; 95 mpg-imp). The abstraction aswell activate that for 37% of the population, the electric car emissions will abatement in the ambit of a gasoline-powered car rated at a accumulated ammunition abridgement amid 41 to 50 mpg-US (5.7 to 4.7 L/100 km; 49 to 60 mpg-imp), such as the Honda Civic Amalgam and the Lexus CT200h. Cities in this accumulation cover Phoenix, Arizona, Houston, Miami, Columbus, Ohio and Atlanta, Georgia. An 18% of the citizenry lives in areas breadth the ability accumulation is added abased on afire carbon, and emissions will be agnate to a car rated at a accumulated ammunition abridgement amid 31 to 40 mpg-US (7.6 to 5.9 L/100 km; 37 to 48 mpg-imp), such as the Chevrolet Cruze and Ford Focus. This accumulation includes Denver, Minneapolis, Saint Louis, Missouri, Detroit, and Oklahoma City.798081 The abstraction activate that there are no regions in the U.S. breadth constituent electric cars will accept college greenhouse gas emissions than the boilerplate new gasoline engine vehicle, and the breadth with the dirtiest ability accumulation produces agnate to a gasoline-powered car rated 33 mpg-US (7.1 L/100 km; 40 mpg-imp).78

The afterward table compares well-to-wheels greenhouse gas emissions estimated by the U.S. Environmental Aegis Bureau for alternation assembly constituent electric cars from above carmakers accessible in the U.S. bazaar by April 2012. For allegory purposes, emissions for the boilerplate gasoline-powered new car are aswell included. Absolute emissions cover the emissions associated with the production, chiral and administration of electricity acclimated to allegation the vehicle.8283

Comparison of EPA's abounding activity aeon appraisal of greenhouse gas emissions

for alternation assembly constituent electric cars accessible in the U.S. bazaar by April 2012

(Emissions as estimated by the U.S. Department of Activity and U.S. Environmental Aegis Agency's website for archetypal years 2011 and 2012)83

Vehicle EPA rated

All-electric range84 EPA rated

combined ammunition economy858687 Cleaner electric grids U.S. national


electric mix Dirtier electric grids


(Juneau) California

(San Francisco) Mid-Atlantic South

(Washington, D.C.) Southeast

(Atlanta) Midwest

(Des Moines) Rocky Mountains


Mitsubishi i-MiEV 62 mi (100 km) 112 mpg-e

(30 kW-hrs/100 miles) 80 g/mi (50 g/km) 100 g/mi (62 g/km) 160 g/mi (99 g/km) 200 g/mi (124 g/km) 230 g/mi (143 g/km) 270 g/mi (168 g/km) 290 g/mi (180 g/km)

Ford Focus Electric 76 mi (122 km) 105 mpg-e

(32 kW-hrs/100 miles) 80 g/mi (50 g/km) 110 g/mi (68 g/km) 170 g/mi (106 g/km) 210 g/mi (131 g/km) 250 g/mi (155 g/km) 280 g/mi (174 g/km) 310 g/mi (193 g/km)

BMW ActiveE 94 mi (151 km) 102 mpg-e

(33 kW-hrs/100 miles) 90 g/mi (56 g/km) 110 g/mi (68 g/km) 180 g/mi (112 g/km) 220 g/mi (137 g/km) 250 g/mi (155 g/km) 290 g/mi (180 g/km) 320 g/mi (199 g/km)

Nissan Leaf 73 mi (117 km) 99 mpg-e

(34 kW-hrs/100 miles) 90 g/mi (56 g/km) 120 g/mi (75 g/km) 190 g/mi (118 g/km) 230 g/mi (143 g/km) 260 g/mi (162 g/km) 300 g/mi (186 g/km) 330 g/mi (205 g/km)

Chevrolet Volt 35 mi (56 km) 94 mpg-e

(36 kW-hrs/100 miles) 170 g/mi (106 g/km)(1) 190 g/mi (118 g/km)(1) 230 g/mi (143 g/km)(1) 260 g/mi (162 g/km)(1) 290 g/mi (180 g/km)(1) 310 g/mi (193 g/km)(1) 330 g/mi (205 g/km)(1)

Smart ED 63 mi (101 km) 87 mpg-e

(39 kW-hrs/100 miles) 100 g/mi (62 g/km) 130 g/mi (81 g/km) 210 g/mi (131 g/km) 260 g/mi (162 g/km) 300 g/mi (186 g/km) 350 g/mi (218 g/km) 380 g/mi (236 g/km)

Coda 88 mi (142 km) 73 mpg-e

(46 kW-hrs/100 miles) 120 g/mi (76 g/km) 160 g/mi (99 g/km) 250 g/mi (155 g/km) 300 g/mi (186 g/km) 350 g/mi (218 g/km) 410 g/mi (255 g/km) 440 g/mi (273 g/km)

Average U.S.

new car88 Gasoline only 22 mpg Total emissions: 500 g/mi (311 g/km)

Upstream: 100 g/mi (62 g/km) and tailpipe: 400 g/mi (249 g/km)

Note (1) EPA affected for the Chevrolet Volt that 64% of the constituent amalgam electric vehicle's operation is powered by electricity and the blow is powered from gasoline, and as a result, out of the absolute emissions shown, 87 g/mi accord to tailpipe emissions. Tailpipe emissions are aught for all added electric cars included, and the emissions apparent annual upstream GHG emissions.

United Kingdom

A abstraction fabricated in the UK in 2008 assured that electric cars had the abeyant to cut down carbon dioxide and greenhouse gas emissions by at atomic 40%, even demography into annual the emissions due to accepted electricity bearing in the UK and emissions apropos to the assembly and auctioning of electric vehicles.89

The accumulation are ambiguous about to amalgam or agent cars (according to official British government testing, the a lot of able European bazaar cars are able-bodied beneath 115 grams of CO2 per kilometer driven, although a abstraction in Scotland gave 149.5gCO2/km as the boilerplate for new cars in the UK90), but would be added cogent in countries with cleaner electric infrastructure.


In a worst-case book breadth incremental electricity appeal would be met alone with coal, a 2009 abstraction conducted by the World Wide Fund for Nature and IZES activate that a mid-size EV would afford almost 200 g(CO2)/km (11 oz(CO2)/mi), compared with an boilerplate of 170 g(CO2)/km (9.7 oz(CO2)/mi) for a gasoline-powered bunched car.91 This abstraction assured that introducing 1 actor EV cars to Germany would, in the best-case scenario, alone abate CO2 emissions by 0.1%, if annihilation is done to advancement the electricity basement or administer demand.91


In France, which has a apple-pie activity grid, CO2 emissions from electric car use would be about 12g per kilometer.92

Emissions during production

A 2011 address able by Ricardo activate that amalgam electric vehicles, constituent hybrids and all-electric cars accomplish added carbon emissions during their assembly than accepted accepted vehicles, but still accept a lower all-embracing carbon brand over the abounding activity cycle. The antecedent college carbon brand is due mainly to array production. As an example, the abstraction estimated that 43 percent of assembly emissions for a mid-size electric car are generated from the array production.93

Acceleration and drivetrain design

Electric motors can accommodate top power-to-weight ratios, and batteries can be advised to accumulation the ample currents to abutment these motors.

Although some electric cars accept absolute baby motors, 15 kW (20 hp) or beneath and accordingly accept bashful acceleration, abounding electric cars accept ample motors and active acceleration. In addition, the almost affiliated torque of an electric motor, even at absolute low speeds tends to access the dispatch achievement of an electric car about to that of the aforementioned rated motor ability centralized agitation engine. Accession aboriginal band-aid was American Motors’ beginning Amitron piggyback arrangement of batteries with one blazon advised for abiding speeds while a altered set added dispatch if needed.94

Electric cars can aswell use a absolute motor-to-wheel agreement which increases the aggregate of accessible power. Accepting assorted motors affiliated anon to the auto allows for anniversary of the auto to be acclimated for both propulsion and as braking systems, thereby accretion traction. In some cases, the motor can be housed anon in the wheel, such as in the Whispering Caster design, which lowers the vehicle's centermost of force and reduces the bulk of affective parts.959697 If not adapted with an axle, differential, or transmission, electric cars accept beneath drivetrain rotational inertia. However, apartment the motor aural the caster can access the unsprung weight of the wheel, which can accept an adverse aftereffect on the administration of the vehicle.


A gearless or individual accessory architecture in some EVs eliminates the charge for accessory shifting, giving such cars both smoother dispatch and smoother braking. Because the torque of an electric motor is a action of current, not rotational speed, electric cars accept a top torque over a beyond ambit of speeds during acceleration, as compared to an centralized agitation engine. As there is no adjournment in developing torque in an EV, EV drivers address about top achievement with acceleration.

The gearless architecture is the atomic complex, but top dispatch requires top torque from the motor, which requires top accepted and after-effects in Joule heating. This is because the centralized base of the motor has electrical resistance, which dissapates ability as calefaction if a accepted is put through it, in accordance to Ohm's Law. While the torque of the electric motor is not abased on its rotational speed, the achievement ability of the motor is the artefact of both the torque and the rotational speed, which bureau that added ability is absent in admeasurement to the achievement ability if the motor is axis slowly. In effect, the drivetrain becomes beneath able the slower the car moves.

In the individual accessory design, this botheration is mitigated by application a accessory arrangement that allows the motor to about-face faster than the wheel, which translates low torque and top rotational dispatch of the motor into top torque and low rotational dispatch of the wheels, giving according or bigger dispatch afterwards compromising ability as much. However, back the motor does accept a top dispatch at which it can operate, the tradeoff is lower top dispatch for the vehicle. If a college top dispatch is desired, the tradeoff is lower dispatch and lower ability at apathetic speeds.

The use of a multiple-speed chiral allows the car to accomplish calmly at both top and low speeds, but comes with added complication and cost.

For example, the Venturi Fetish delivers supercar dispatch admitting a almost bashful 220 kW (295 hp), and top dispatch of about 160 km/h (100 mph). Some DC motor-equipped annoyance racer EVs, accept simple two-speed chiral transmissions to advance top speed.98 The Tesla Roadster 2.5 Action can advance from 0 to 60 mph (97 km/h) in 3.7 abnormal with a motor rated at 215 kW (288 hp).99

Also the Wrightspeed X1 ancestor created by Wrightspeed Inc is the worlds fastest artery acknowledged electric car.100 With an dispatch of 0-60 mph in 2.9 seconds101 the X1 has baffled some of the worlds fastest sports cars.102

Energy efficiency

Main articles: Ammunition efficiency, Electrical efficiency, Thermal efficiency, and Activity about-face efficiency

Internal agitation engines are almost inefficient at converting on-board ammunition activity to propulsion as a lot of of the activity is ashen as heat. On the added hand, electric motors are added able in converting stored activity into active a vehicle, and electric drive cars do not absorb activity while at blow or coasting, and some of the activity absent if braking is captured and reused through adorning braking, which captures as abundant as one fifth of the activity commonly absent during braking.1103 Typically, accepted gasoline engines finer use alone 15% of the ammunition activity agreeable to move the car or to ability accessories, and agent engines can ability on-board efficiencies of 20%, while electric drive cars accept on-board ability of about 80%.103

Production and about-face electric cars about use 10 to 23 kW·h/100 km (0.17 to 0.37 kW·h/mi).54104 Approximately 20% of this ability afire is due to inefficiencies in charging the batteries. Tesla Motors indicates that the car ability (including charging inefficiencies) of their lithium-ion array powered car is 12.7 kW·h/100 km (0.21 kW·h/mi) and the well-to-wheels ability (assuming the electricity is generated from accustomed gas) is 24.4 kW·h/100 km (0.39 kW·h/mi).105


The assurance issues of BEVs are abundantly dealt with by the all-embracing accepted ISO 6469. This certificate is disconnected in three locations ambidextrous with specific issues:

On-board electrical activity storage, i.e. the battery

Functional assurance bureau and aegis adjoin failures

Protection of bodies adjoin electrical hazards.

Risk of fire

Frontal blast analysis of a Volvo C30 DRIVe Electric to appraise the assurance of the array pack.

In the United States, General Motors ran in several cities a training affairs for firefighters and aboriginal responders to authenticate the arrangement of tasks adapted to cautiously attenuate the Chevrolet Volt’s powertrain and its 12 volt electrical system, which controls its high-voltage components, and afresh advance to extricate afflicted occupants. The Volt's high-voltage arrangement is advised to shut down automatically in the blow of an airbag deployment, and to ascertain a blow of advice from an airbag ascendancy module.106107 GM aswell fabricated accessible an Emergency Acknowledgment Adviser for the 2011 Volt for use by emergency responders. The adviser aswell describes methods of disabling the top voltage arrangement and identifies cut area information.108 Nissan aswell arise a adviser for aboriginal responders that abstracts procedures for administration a damaged 2011 Leaf at the arena of an accident, including a chiral high-voltage arrangement shutdown, rather than the automated action congenital the car's assurance systems.109110 As of December 2011, no fires afterwards a blast accept been arise in the U.S. associated with the Volt, the Leaf or the Tesla Roadster.111

Chevrolet Volt afterwards getting subjected to the NCAP pole analysis on May 12, 2011 at the MGA analysis facility

Pole activated Chevrolet Volt afterwards the blaze at MGA arise on June 6, 2011

Arcing blow during chiral rollover of column comatose Volt's battery, November 24, 2011.

As a aftereffect of a comatose activated Chevolet Volt that bent blaze in June 2011 three weeks afterwards the testing, the National Highway Traffic Assurance Administration ( NHTSA) issued a account adage that the bureau does not accept the Volt or added electric cars are at a greater blow of blaze than gasoline-powered vehicles. "In fact, all cars – both electric and gasoline-powered – accept some blow of blaze in the blow of a austere crash."112113 The NHTSA arise in November 2011 that it was alive with all automakers to advance postcrash procedures to accumulate occupants of electric cars and emergency cadre who acknowledge to blast scenes safe. General Motors said the blaze would accept been abhorred if GM's protocols for deactivating the array afterwards the blast had been followed, and aswell declared that they "are alive with added car manufacturers, aboriginal responders, tow barter operators, and deliver associations with the ambition of implementing industrywide protocols."113114

In added testing of the Volt's batteries agitated out by NHTSA in November 2011, two of the three tests resulted in thermal events, including fire. Accordingly the NHTSA opened a academic assurance birthmark analysis on November 25, 2011, to appraise the abeyant risks complex from advance blow to the array in the Chevrolet Volt.115116117 As against to the Volt’s battery, the Nissan Leaf's backpack is cloistral from blow by a band of animate reinforcement.118 Also, Nissan antiseptic that the Nissan Leaf, clashing the Volt, has an air cooled array backpack that does not charge to be disabled afterwards a crash. The Leaf was advised with a array assurance systems that is activated in a blast that involves the airbags. The airbag ascendancy assemblage sends a arresting mechanically to the array and disconnects the top voltage from the vehicle.109 Both the Tesla Roadster and the Ford Focus Electric accept liquid-cooling systems, and the Focus array is amid in a animate case. Afterwards the antecedent Volt fire, the NHTSA advised the Leaf and added electric cars and said its testing “has not aloft assurance apropos about cars added than the Chevy Volt.”119

On January 5, 2012, General Motors arise that it would action a chump achievement affairs to accommodate modifications to the Chevrolet Volt to abate the adventitious that the array backpack could bolt blaze canicule or weeks afterwards a astringent accident. General Motors explained the modifications will enhance the car anatomy that beleaguer the array and the array coolant arrangement to advance array aegis afterwards a astringent crash. The assurance enhancements abide of strengthen an absolute allocation of the Volt’s car assurance anatomy to added assure the array backpack in a astringent ancillary collision; add a sensor in the backlog of the array coolant arrangement to adviser coolant levels; and add a tamper-resistant bracket to the top of the array coolant backlog to advice anticipate abeyant coolant overfill.120121 On January 20, 2012, the NHTSA bankrupt the Volt's assurance birthmark analysis accompanying to post-crash blaze risk. The bureau assured assured that "no apparent birthmark trend exists" and aswell activate that the modifications afresh developed by General Motors are acceptable to abate the abeyant for array advance consistent from ancillary impacts. The NHTSA aswell said that "based on the accessible data, NHTSA does not accept that Chevy Volts or added electric cars affectation a greater blow of blaze than gasoline-powered vehicles." The bureau aswell arise it has developed acting advice to access acquaintance and analyze adapted assurance measures apropos electric cars for the emergency acknowledgment community, law administration officers, tow barter operators, accumulator accessories and consumers.122123

All 12,400 Chevrolet Volts produced until December 2011, including all Amperas in banal at European dealerships, will accept the assurance enhacements. Back assembly was apoplectic during the holidays, the enhacements will be in abode if assembly resumes in aboriginal 2012. Sales will abide and dealers will adapted the Volts they accept in stock, either afore or afterwards they are sold. General Motors beatific a letter to Volt owners advertence that Chevrolet will acquaintance them with added abstracts about the account accomplishment appointed to activate in February 2012.124125

Fisker Karma constituent hybrid.

In December 2011, Fisker Automotive recalled the aboriginal 239 Karmas delivered to the U.S. due to a blow of array blaze acquired by coolant leak. Of the 239 cars, beneath than fifty accept been delivered to customers, the blow were in dealerships. In the address filed by Fisker Automotive with the NHTSA, the carmaker said some corrupt clamps were not appropriately positioned, which could acquiesce a coolant aperture and an electrical abbreviate could possibly action if coolant enters the array compartment, causing a thermal blow aural the battery, including a accessible fire.126 In May 2012 a Fisker Karma was complex in a home blaze that aswell burnt two added cars in Fort Bend County, Texas. The arch blaze investigator said the Karma was the agent of the blaze that advance to the house, but the exact could could could could cause is still unknown. The constituent amalgam electric car was not acquainted in at the time the blaze started and it was arise that the Karma's array was intact. The carmaker absolution a accessible account adage that "...there are adverse letters and ambiguity surrounding this accurate incident. The could could could could cause of the blaze is not yet accepted and is getting investigated." Fisker Automotive aswell declared that the array backpack "does not arise to accept been a accidental agency in this incident."127 The NHTSA is administering a acreage analysis of the incident, and is alive with allowance adjusters and Fisker to actuate the fire’s cause.128

Vehicle safety

Great accomplishment is taken to accumulate the accumulation of an electric car as low as accessible to advance its ambit and endurance. However, the weight and aggregate of the batteries themselves usually makes an EV added than a commensurable gasoline vehicle, abbreviation ambit and arch to best braking distances; it aswell has beneath autogenous space. However, in a collision, the occupants of a abundant car will, on average, ache beneath and beneath austere injuries than the occupants of a lighter vehicle; therefore, the added weight brings assurance benefits129 admitting accepting a abrogating aftereffect on the car's performance.130 An blow in a 2,000 lb (900 kg) car will on boilerplate could could could could cause about 50% added injuries to its occupants than a 3,000 lb (1,400 kg) vehicle.131 In a individual car accident,citation needed and for the added car in a two car accident, the added accumulation causes an access in accelerations and appropriately an access in the severity of the accident. Some electric cars use low rolling attrition tires, which about action beneath anchor than accustomed tires.132133134 Abounding electric cars accept a small, ablaze and brittle body, though, and accordingly action bare assurance protection. The Allowance Institute for Highway Assurance in America had accursed the use of low dispatch cars and "mini trucks," referred to as adjacency electric cars (NEVs) if powered by electric motors, on accessible roads.135

Hazard to pedestrians

See also: Electric car admonishing sounds

At low speeds, electric cars produced beneath artery babble as compared to cars propelled by centralized agitation engines. Dark humans or the visually broken accede the babble of agitation engines a accessible aid while bridge streets, appropriately electric cars and hybrids could affectation an abrupt hazard.136137 Tests accept apparent that this is a accurate concern, as cars operating in electric approach can be decidedly harder to apprehend beneath 20 mph (30 km/h) for all types of alley users and not alone the visually impaired. At college speeds, the complete created by annoy abrasion and the air displaced by the car alpha to accomplish acceptable aural noise.137

The US Congress and the Government of Japan anesthetized legislation to adapt the minimum akin of complete for hybrids and constituent electric cars if operating in electric mode, so that dark humans and added pedestrians and cyclists can apprehend them advancing and ascertain from which administration they are approaching.137138139 The Nissan Leaf is the aboriginal electric car to use Nissan's Car Complete for Pedestrians system, which includes one complete for advanced motion and accession for reverse.17140

Differences in controls

Presently a lot of EV manufacturers do their best to challenge the active acquaintance as carefully as accessible to that of a car with a accepted automated chiral that motorists are accustomed with. A lot of models accordingly accept a PRNDL selector commonly activate in cars with automated chiral admitting the basal automated differences. Push buttons are the easiest to apparatus as all modes are implemented through software on the vehicle's controller.

Even admitting the motor may be assuredly affiliated to the auto through a fixed-ratio accessory and no parking pawl may be present the modes "P" and "N" will still be provided on the selector. In this case the motor is disabled in "N" and an electrically actuated handbrake provides the "P" mode.

In some cars the motor will circuit boring to accommodate a baby aggregate of edge in "D", agnate to a acceptable automatic.141

When the bottom is aerial from the accelerator of an ICE, engine braking causes the car to slow. An EV would bank beneath these conditions, and applying balmy adorning braking instead provides a added accustomed response. Selecting the L approach will access this aftereffect for abiding decline driving, akin to selecting a lower gear.

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